An obituary notice is a paid listing, often provided for you by the attending mortuary. If the mortuary does not place the obituary notice, you can place one yourself via any of the following methods:
Online: — This is a self-serve portal.
Mail to:
Life Tributes
San Francisco Chronicle
901 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
All notices must be typed.
A representative from the LifeTributes Desk will call you with a price quote. Payment is made by credit card over the phone.
Please provide your name, address, phone number & the name and city of the funeral home or cremation society. This is for verification purposes only. Omission of any of this information will delay publication.
If you would like to include a photo in the obit, please attach the photo to your email. Photos will publish one inch wide by one-and-one-half inches deep. Please do not crop the photo. The photo will add approximately $170 to the total cost of the notice. The resolution of the photo should be a minimum of 300dpi, preferable formats are .tif or .jpg.
If you’re mailing the obit and wish to have a photo in the obit, please include the photo with the obit. Please indicate if you would like to have the photo returned to you.
For further information call our Life Tributes team at (415) 615-3554.
Sunday and Monday deadline: Friday 3pm
Tuesday through Saturday deadline: 2pm the previous day
All obits must be paid for prior to publication
EZAds submissions: 1pm for the next day’s publication
Email submission: Noon for the next day’s publication
Rates: Please contact us for rates. There are approximately 12 printed lines per inch. A line consists of approximately 20 letters and spaces including punctuation. Place any notice for two days, get the third day FREE (days do not need to be consecutive). A fee of $50 will be added to every obituary notice to be on our web site,, including the printed photo, an online Guest Book, and more.